Customer Returns and Exchanges

If a customer returns or exchanges VIM & VIGR products, it's no longer necessary to send/save customer returns or exchanged products back to VIM & VIGR, you can recycle them however works best for you. 

Customer Return for Refund

  • In the event of a customer returning product for refund, please let us know what product is returned and we will issue a credit for the returned item(s).  If a customer would like to exchange for a different size or style, please send on the size or style exchanged and we can either send a replacement pair or issue a credit.

Customer Exchange

  • In the event a customer would like to exchange for a different size or style, please send on the size or style exchanged and we can either send a replacement pair or issue a credit.

Damaged Product

  • In the event of a customer returning or exchanging damaged goods, the same process applies as above but if it's not to much trouble to take a picture of the damage and send it in we appreciate it very much. We send these on to the manufacture to better our manufacturing process.

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